Martin said:unbelievable. However the kid should have fought back. Getting hit is not a big a deal as people make it out, not fighting back however is worst. I cannot revert to racism here, however if the black kids did this because the guy was white then they should be executed (saying that if this happened to a black kid same applies). Racists are not human and should be tortured, beaten up slowly and then killed.
poorwhite said:This white kid didnt come f
rational said:when you guys start acting like this, well stop calling you niggers. until then, youre all niggers. and you try this kind of on the weakest white specimen possible...try it on me or my friends thats all ill say..
Akitabull69 said:Whats with all this race bashing. This had to do with race,but more to do with current society. White kids used to chase and beat up black kids for years. The truth is that if blacks were treated with respect and equality in the first place they wouldnt be poor and angry like this or in gangs.You cant on people for nearly 400 years and expect it to go well. Segregation only ended 48 years ago. As more blacks have jobs and something to live for this will change.We have a long way to go in this country,but to blame one side is ridicules. Wrong is wrong, evil begets evil. What now a race war....Yeah that will last a good while and history will again be tarnished for how long? Then what-start over?
Anon said:Anyone who think this isnt about race is a dumb ass. If a black wouldve sit next to him everything wouldve been fine. A lot of black kids are like this, no respect and they act like animals.
Imsrry said:Im sorry. If ing NIGGERS dont want to be called NIGGERS maybe they should stop ing ACTING LIKE IT. Fuking monkey put them in the ing zoo. I would of ed up a mother er.
all niggers said:you dont ever ing see whites pickin on blacks do ya ? nah all u niggers u stupid porchmonkey s. get a ing life and stop beatin on the poor in white kid . god damn i wish mlk never existed. all the niggers
Tim said:Typical niggers!!! Act like ing monkeys in a zoo.I love beating down pathetic weak niggers!
coolguy said:I hate NIGGERS. Thank you. Nigger. This proves niggers are niggers. I hate niggers. WOW. This is unbelievable stuff. NIGGERS are the cause of everything bad. Except for the cool ones who arent like these MONKEY NIGGERS.
Anon said:What doesnt kill this kid will surely make him more resilient God bless him, I hope he becomes stronger because of this
whitguy said:youve never seen white men beat up a black guy before?they beat him up cause theyre asshole sobs, not cause theyre blackhang the RACISTS you ing cunts
Hypocrites said:yea right. If it was the other way around EVERY one of you saying this isnt about race would be jumping all over this calling it a hate crime
Raw video of a Belleville West High School student being beaten aboard a bus on the way to school Monday. Police and a witness said a dispute over a seat sparked the attack.
mike edwards said:I hope that white kid goes home and beats the out of his parents for sending him into that situation in the first place, probably they will just lecture him on historical injustice towards blacks. I guess this is how its gonna be.A beating here , a murder there, A rape. until enough white people have had a real taste of the diversity craze.
John said:wow. pretty tough. throwing weak ass punches at somebody not moving or fighting back. definitley a man that should be looked up to. wow. what a joke. should put that pussy in a cage and let him fight mma style with anyone that would fight back. then have all their friends around just laughing at him crying cuz he is a punk ass
Anonymous said:U r really n sick as well as ignorant ... I wna c ur ass blast me n da ce lmo never will it happen ur tough cuz dis shyt Is on da comp. Bt n reality ur prolly a Fuckn punk the wrld us corrupt cuz of low lifes like u!!!
n said:you say whites blame all black people and call names bc a few kids act this way and give all blacks a bad name, but u say the reason they act this way is bc white people beat them for years way back when, was that white kid one of them doing the beating back then? i think not, works both ways no?
Narwhal said:This is pathetic, I hope the kid gets kicked out of school and works at McDonalds for the rest of his life.
YEs it IS about RACE said:Yea right. its not about race its not about race, god cut it with the PC crap! Whenever its about blacks ganging up on whites you hardly ever hear about it, meanwhiile everytime a black feels persecuted the white guilt trip BS needs to go into overdrive! When will we EVEER adress the shockingingly low behaviour that so many black people seem to demonstrate without fear of critcism because were all afraid of being called RAYISS YO...?see, you cant EVER tlak about it if your white, cause everyone knows whites are responsible for every single evil act in existance ,am i right?Maybe if blacks didnt worship thugs their behaviour slightly improve? But with this its cool to be black
Jim Jones said:Always remember that black people are subhuman savages. Carry a gun and send these goblins back to hell when they launch their pack attacks.
JoAnne said:If this was a black student being beat on by white students we would have seen this on CNN with Jessie Jackson screaming racismâ¦
Out of control said:whether this was an act of violence because of racism or not the biggest crime here is the act of violence, not the race card so why even have it brought up? And if for some reason you are one of those people who play the race card whether you be white, black, asian or whatever race (Notice I said race and not color because after all wouldnt that sentence in itself be racist?) but whatever race you are its the violence thats creating the problem. Everyone is diffrent. Everyone likes diffrent things. Loves, hates, see we do all the same things diffrently doesnt mean we have to solve it with violence. Violence should only be used as self defense. In a perfect world I realize we wouldnt need to use it if no one used violence in the first place,but because we dont we came up with laws to punish the ones who do use violence and this is definatly a case that needs to be handled by the law because of the violence not the race card peoples. I have ith that he will gschool bus bully attackerset whatever punishment he deserves wether it be through the law, God or even Karma whatever you choose to believe in we can only hope his ways will change. This message goes out to everyone God Bless.
livesmart said:Stay away from them. They hate whites and anyone that seems weak. The boy who stood against this was not as rasist. Everyone is rasist to some extent, however, some are not evil.
Brooklyn said:That is so sad...why...trying to be a big man by picking on someone...when will it stop...
ridiculous1996 said:dis is stupid you ppl cant go blamein every black person in da word it was only one school so shut up you sound dumb
Henry James said:Its outrageous for any kid to have this happen to them. But its undeniable that if a white kid was beating a black kid like this and there was video of it, there would be a much greater cry for justice. If youre going to resist racism, you have to be consistent. But we live in a country where some people are held to a very different standard than others.
me said:STUPID ASS RACIST PUSS ASS what nigga u always say that we need to be on chains..stupid fk ass fker come put me on chains bet u get yo ass whooped ill beat yo ass..
i am white and i hate everyone said:guess my name said it all,first i am white i have black and hispanic in my mily so i am not racist,i just hate everyone who gangs up on somebody for no ing reason and this makes me sick these bastards will be dead by 20 because theyll end up killing each other so who gives a .i hope the white boy sues everyone,my kid got choked by a nigger on the bus and the tape magically dissapeared but nobody gave a because a nigger did it and they get away with it because they pull that race bs everytime they get in trouble i call them niggers because they are ignorant not all black people are,every race has bad people but you mofos go around picking on anything,robbing,stealing,raping,killing.i hate you all i pray that GOD destroys this world soon with you dumbasses in dont even know a slave so shut the up about idiots need to go yourselves,if you dont like someone because they dont look like you then blind yourselves that goes for my own race,white.
Anonymous said:Oh wow, if it was a white kid beating a black kid the comments would be so much diffrent
crazyk said:Well I am stationed in california, I hadnt been home in awhnile ( Belleville) and happended to run across this situation. As a community there obviously needs to afeect change. I am Black and I have deployed twice overseas and have been a full time student while serving my country. There is crime everywhere, in the dumps of East St. Louis or in the areas of Belleville. This is sad to see and I have no respect for any adult to call these children names and threaten their lives. i am repulsed to think that I sacrifice daily for the ignorance on that bus and the ignorance brought along by The supposed KKK. PEOPLE LIFES TO SHORT I KNOW THIS FIRST HAND. I am fighting a war that means absolutely nothing to me but, I wouldnt care to see the White or Black guy next to me die, and if you think like that then God does not smile on your life.
glang said:i say lets go back to seperate schools if the black kids want to act like animals let them do it among them selves
love it said:Dumb niggers, I love how the attackers mom is now blaming the video for ruiing her kids life - not what he did, but that it was filmed. Theres a reason people look down on people like that (read: niggers, not black people).
Michael said:The video is a disgrace to people of all ethnic background, to not see one act of assistance on behalf of that young man who was defenseless shows a lack of courage to me...this reminded me of the sceen from Blakhawk down when the frenzied mob behaved more like animals than human beings...its wrong and no way around it. you dont condone this by defending it or supporting it you just say its wrong and in the end the young men who participated in physically abusing a defensless person should be punished to the huighest degree as a lesson not to ever do anything like this again.
niggahater said:Next time that nigger gets in your ce blast his ass.. Niggers should be sent back to africa on a bananna peel
LaQuanda Abukar said:I speak ebonics and dis be a cracker smackdown.I beez ejucated at MLK skool. I haz 3 little chitlins and theyz daddies will git out da prison so I can git me mo food stamps.
Phil said:being racist is just downright stupid there are racist blacks,whites,hispanics,asians,jews etc. u cant blame the whole ing race every mothering race has bullies and racists and these gonna happen stand up for yourself and fight i had mothering ggots saying verbal to me but in ct they were weaklings and i beat up and threatened the es and they stopped it so if parents,teachers and noone gives a ur on ur own stand up and beat down bullies this all starts cos sme ers cant respect others opinions beat up bullies and wannabe tough guys with big mouths ers should be raped in the butt
kevin roberts said:to all you kkk members the only ones that should die are you mother ers for once in your stupid lifes why dont you do somthing good its called a brain i know you dont ue it much but you might want to turn it on one day
TiredStudent said:Blacks and Mexicans should be banned from having anymore offspring, the newer generations of those apes get worse and worse with all that hip hop bull and all the drugs their dumb parents do. Anyone who listens to rap and hip hop and dresses ghetto should be casterated so they can never have children. I already see douche bags like that around with children who will become future douche bags, it has to stop or this world will be doomed in the future. The likes of them do nothing but trouble.
Anonymous said:no one stopped the situation either white or black so who are we to blame then???? this is not a issue of race and or color this is happening all around the world no matter the race creed or color get a clue ppl this is 2010 and racist people stil exsist? this is sad i cant wait until the day when race or color doesnt matter because i love everyone equally and dont discriminate what so ever....ughh this disgust me
Anonymous said:You do see it is more of an INDIVIDUAL issue with the boy instead of a RACE ISSUE. There are other White kids on the bus and how often do you break up a fight? Some actually do try to stop him later.
niggers need to die said:Those ing niggers should of been takin out and lit on fire. Chains all need to be eradicated off the ce of the earth. You have got our country so ed up its not funny. A decent white person cant even walk down the street without getting robbed,shot or raped. You are the bottom feeders of society. You breed like rats and cockroaches. I hope every one of you,your halfbreed monkey kids all die horribly.
Abstrack said:This is the main reason for school shootings to occur. dont be surprise if he brought a gun to school and shot down everybody invovled with this incident. people can be really in stupid at times. they just askin to get shot
unknown said:If you really knew your history you would know that the people in Africa actually sold each other to Americans. Oh and for your information this country would be just as bad with or without blacks it doesnt really matter. And we could have run this country we didnt depend on just black people. So yeah learn your African American history!
glang said:why didnt that bus driver do anything to stop asult after columbine youd think bus drivers would do more to protect kids
gross said:Dont you black people feel ashamed? Dont you think they move around and sound like monkeys at the zoo? Why dont you teach youre childeren to act like civilized human beings?
Nunya said:Same happened to me but the bus driver was in on it and yes she was white. And coincidentally her camera was off that day. Just when i start to get over hating niggers, this happens....they need sent to africa or some at least go back to segregation.
Anonymous said:really though, racism is only perpetuated because of like this. the attackers public image is now ruined because of this video as it should be. dont bring up rosa parks just because its on a bus, this is just some dumbass trying to impress his friends and now hes gotta live with the ct that everyone knows him as just another violent black kid. ironic this isnt considered a hate crime
me me me said:all these white people saying nigger this and nigger this need to shut the up and focus on the main point that the kid was attacked by a human being not a nigger. Us black people are here and aint going no damn where so relax and take notes because most of us are pretty great beings.
spectre said:I know what happens next the kid comes back the next day and shoots everyone up nice job by the bus driver not doing anything
proud to be black said:this for the person people are not apes its was sad to see this video of what happen to this dude it doesnt matter what color you are its all wrong to beat up on anyone just because you can the world is a ugly place those kids was wrong all black kids dont act out that way white kids do the same thing so its not just a black thing it doesnt matter what color you are wrong is wrong right is right its just wrong to assault people for no reason and its stupid you need save up your money and buy you an island so you wouldnt have to deal with us apes as you say get in a hole and bury yourself my mother didnt give birth to an ape dont put me in the same box you put those kids in to
Blacks bad behaviour said:Not really surprising. BLacks have a shockingly large illigitmacy rate and a toxic ghetto scene that panders to their worst instincts, ghetto trash thugs into figures to be worshipped. Theyve been going downhill for decades, and an entrenched left leaning support system that gives into them
Another Citizen said:CrazyK, what war are you fighting? ive been there and there is no real war going on, its just made up for people like you that went over there to feel good about yourself. as for this video, these kids need to be in jail for 20 years plus, these kids are low-lifes from EAST St.louis. they need to go back to the dumps and be trashy there. ALL OF THEM
racist dude here said:its all the blacks ult...they will never change and need the chains put back on them!
Why do blacks act like animals so often? said:Blame whitey. Thats what the femme left wing does best in its masochistic fits of self loathing. This isnt about race? Then Why do SO MANY blacks act like thugs in public? Could it be their shockingly high rate of illegitimacy coupled with an entertainment industry that panders to the worst aspects of ghetto life, to start with? Because being a a whoring, money worshipping thug is cool? Blaming Whitey is a convenient excuse for you to remain parasitical
d said:Before the cameras ----A white child wold be beaten by the mobs of uncivilized black s and later the school would suspend both children involved in the fight so as to pacify the NAACP both culprit and victim punished equally. Now as shown in the footage the blacks get up tp block the cameras while they attack.They should all loose the bus privileges and from now on walks or get dropped off /// as well as tossed from the school system.
Sam F. said:What a bunch of assholes, they just sat there and ing watched, its just disgusting. My generation is full of degenerates and morons.
Anonymous said:well well well this is so said even some of the comment why all the names where all alike where people thats what god made usand that why we have a lot in common let me start you off with a lil bit we have eyes we bleeds the same we love food most of all we cry you keep going because there more some people really need to wake up
ann said:That was very sad. I hate to see things like that happens and those guys need to be punished. But why are some comments so racist. That not ir to the black children that would never do something like that. If anything, they should be call fools only fools would do such a think. Do forget in the dictionary nigger is a dumb person. So that could be black,white,asian and any other color. It actually the hate behind the words that makes it so bad. May God bless that boy and the one responsible for the cruel act be punished.
barbie said:i think it is funny how all you white people are using the word nigger under unknown names lol please fix your mouths and say that in front of a black person! Black people are starting to get more and more educated and classier than white folks and i think it is funny when these NIGGERS are in your white es in the first place half the world is mixed with BLACK get the over it! lil dick ass motha fuks
ha said:And the blacks here will say:so what/ White people are hitlers spawn. They are responsible for every injustice in the world.Cause they have no excuse for their poor behaviour and refuse EVER to call out their bruthas
booya said:I am white and the only way I would agree to the black kid beating the white kid is if he smelled bad. other than that yeha id agree shoot the nigger
mom of 2 teens said:I had to stop reading these comments! Im a white women happily married to a Black
12345 said:@nunya dumb ass people like you are the reason why like this happens you go blaming black people as a whole for one situation that millions and millions of African Americans had absolutely nothing to do with and probably dont even know that this situation occurred. thats like every black person blaming every white person in the USA for a racist act in one small house in the middle of nowhere. its 2010 not the 1800s. SMDH
Anonymous said:black people can say whites are racist but whites cant say blacks are racist. blacks are never to blame anymore. they think that just because blacks were slaves once that theyre special or somethin.
I ing hate niggers said:@paran...your a ing traitor to your own kind.You worthless nigger loving cunt. You need to be taken out and skinned alive. I hope and pray you,your worthless halfbreed kids and your nigger husband has a tal car wreck and burn alive. Just wish I could be there to see it.
White said:pussy ing nigger ur lucky my white ass wasent there i would have smashed every black in my reach pussy black boys
Mike said:Shoot all those en black peices of that sat there egging it on and including that ing stupid ed in the head black kid
Mary said:Oh B.S. If it was a black kid getting beat up by a white kid no one would say oh were blaming white people when they have a lot nothing to do with this. My brother has taken the bus and was beat up by a black boy. The truth is we just dont do anything when its black kids beating up a white kid.
Anonymous said:To Oomingmak: Get the hell outta here! How upset were you with Rodney King? Mmmm? Pretty upset, right? Same thing here, same principal and the NAACP, Al Sharpton, and the rest of African American community should have stepped up to this and preached against it and even donated large amounts of time, energy to sooth this over, but NO! Now if it was a black kid that was beaten on a white bus, OH LORD! There would have been another riot. I am so FED up with this race ! If you are black and are complaining about white people, THEN GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said:if blacks dont want racism then stop acting in a way which perpetuates it. all the others just sat and watcheschool bus bully attackers Student attacked on Belleville West busd it happen and laughed. no one stood up for that kid. its bs and if u dont want to be called a nigger then dont act like one. there is a very real difference between being black and being a nigger.
i am white said:white here and this is ed up my kid got choked by a nigger on the bus and the tape magically disappeared i dont give a about a nigger,white or any other race as long as they dont with my mily or me.those niggers will be dead by 20 for killing each other anyway then the kid that got hurt can stand over the monkeys laugh,throw up some gang signs with the money he gets from suing those motherers everyone!
thismixedopinionist said:What exactly is your opinion of a nigger? you throw the word around as if it wont come off as racist. Of course, the boy had no right to put his hands on the other boy, and true, it was a storm of African Americans swarming and chanting, but who missed the ct that there was a white kid in the back just as excited? and the ct that there were african americans in the front of the bus that were not involved in the situation. even if this was stemmed from racism or those who are prejudice, im sure you can all see that those who commented and said things such niggers are this and that and need to be done away with are coming off as just as racist. the only difference is that they are (as it appears) to weak physically to do anything about their perspectives. im not taking any sides. im both white and black. i just believe that one should not point fingers if they are at ult themselves.
school bus bully attackers Student attacked on Belleville West bus,I ride for my black people said:Why you crackers try to be like us yeah we ing your bithes just like you rapped our women years ago only diffrence is your es swollows our nut plus we have a right to beat up white kids because some where down the like they relative beat our relative we just returning the vor crakers and everything they stand for
Big_Black said:Fuck all you cracker ass white boys commenting here. You all are nothing, but a bunch of hate-mongering punks who talk behind a pc, but wouldnt say anything to a black persons ce. This is why Im getting a gun. I dare any of you honkeys to try and kill me. Im looking for an excuse to kill a white, racist . You stupid rednecks are one of the reasons why I hate amerikkka. You crackers think youre so superior, yet you prove every damn day how worthless your people really are when you go around judging others by their skin color. Karma will take care of you s soon enough.
Does it matter? said:This is racially motivated beating, period! If it was the other way around and it was a black kid being beaten, there would have been another race riot like L.A. with Rodney King.
TJ said:I wonder why he didnt fight back.. I blame him. There are tons of racist on this page o_o GROW UP RACIST PEOPLE!
Michael said:and it aint about what color anyones skin is either, its about treting other people the way you want to be treated, and when you dont you have a long road of lessons in front of wise up
Uncle Buck said:Sheet I be smackin down white boys all da time. Yall are weak so we wup you. Too bad for you, yall be waek!
Paran said:@ mom of 2 teensYou should be married to one because you speak like one.[quote]mom of 2 teens said:I had to stop reading these comments! Im a white women happily married to a BlackMay 22, 2011[/quote]
niggers ruin everything said:ing nig nogs at my high school would always poke me my shoulders when they sat behind me, i would always go home and ntasies of shooting them in theyre in ape ces. i have black friends but they are calm and dont act out in a rage, but u never know.
sea said:.... and people wonder why racial discrimination prevails to this day. Way to set back popular perception of your race another ten years!
loco said:If that had been a buss full of white kids beating up a black kid without provocation, it wouldve been called a hate crime... half the bus was at ult for perpetuating the fight instead of stopping it... just look at all the clowning and laughing... thuggery at its best.
unknown said:I think that this was really messed up!! That kid did nothing to those other kids do be beaten. How could he fight back. Everyone was ganging up on him. And what i really dont understand is hwhy nobody did anything. Or why the hell the bus driver didnt do anything. Yea he was driving but he couldve stopped. This just really pissed me off.
Tim said:All of you idiots that say this is not about race are so damn ! Maybe if you get the crap beaten out of you, or your kid does, youll begin to realize that this IS about race, that blacks frequently target whites, asians, etc. Look at the FBI stats. Get a clue!
CN said:This is absolutely horrible. I agree, if it were the other way around, the African American race would cry like babies for help and call it injustice. This is why people are racist, because of acts such as this. Maybe if the African American race would stop being prejudice over the whites, then we could all get along. But probably not. Did anyone notice how the white kid didnt really fight back? I guarantee he was brought up with a little more maturity...
mississippi bus driver said:I am a black female bus driver. I encounter rowdy kids everyday, white, black hispanic,asian. I am very upset to see this !! If the situation arises with me on my bus, I will call the police no matter what color. And hope they get the most extreeeeeme punishment made possible by law !! Especially those young boys. May God bless the victim to see JUSTICE SERVED !!
Angie said:Fucking monkeys...Was the kid Really autistic? When was this? And what happened to the monkeys??? Did they get charged for this racist attack?
dragyn said:this is truley effd up i would hate if that were my child white or black i hate for any body to jump another its not cool But on the other hand all this hate name callin blks niggers cause it makes you feel better aint cool either take ah good look at your self and know your whats wrong with america to hate another because of color is hella lame ....